Tele-Rehabilitation Institute


Our Goal: $62,800,000


Regardless of the size of your donation, you can make a difference by giving to the Tele-Rehabilitation Institute. You donation will support the key areas below:

Contribution area Funding Goal
Home Tele-Rehabilitation post-stroke $2,300,000
Tele-Rehabilitation of children and adults with Cerebral Palsy $2,100,000
Remote monitoring of drug trials through Tele-Rehabilitation $1,800,000
Low-cost game hardware for Tele-Rehabilitation $1,600,000
Endowed Professorship in Tele-Rehabilitation $5,000,000
Capital Campaign for a new building $50,000,000
Total $62,800,000


Gift Administration

All gifts to the Tele-Rehabilitation Institute are administered through The Rutgers University Foundation. You can donate or make a pledge on line by visiting the Tele-Rehabilitation Institute Foundation page by clicking the "Donate Now" button. The foundation is ready to provide you with assistance at any time in case you have related questions (call 1-888-RU-A-DONOR about supporting Rutgers Tele-Rehabilitation Institute).


Donors to the Institute (by level) Amount
Partner 1 Million +
Ambassador ($100,000+)
Cristian and Andrea Francu $155,000
Founder's Circle ($10,000+)
Benefactor ($1,000+)
Anonymous $4,000
Grigore Burdea $3,057
Friend ($100+)
Prism Consulting $940
Lenny Struminger $900
Bearnstine Little $500
Anthony DiSanto $400
Mirian Guzman $400
George Stirbei $350
Bill and Amy Wong (Kumon of South Edison) $200
Computer Associates Int. $200
Douglas Healy $200
Stephen Sharpe $200
Marty and Iris Hoffert $100
Supporter ($10+)
Anna C. Blackwood $50
Guy Goodwin $25
Therese Callaghan $25
Thomas J. Haas $25
Kim Bass $11
Total (as of March 2011) $166,583



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© 2010 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. All rights reserved.
Last Updated: 06/06/2011